What is the number to 24 hour technical support?
What is the number for questions about billing and services?
(912) 437-4111
What is the address for my Internet service payment?
P.O. Box 748
Darien, GA 31305
Where can I sign up?
For residential Internet services you may sign up over the telephone by calling
(912) 437-4638 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday or by visiting our office.
darientel.net Connection Information
(The following is a comprehensive list of information you will need to set up your Internet connection with darientel.net.)
Type of Mail Server:
Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server:
POP or IMAP Account Name:
your password
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Dial-Up Access Number:
How many email accounts do I get?
You get 5 email accounts. Your login is the “Parent” email account. You can create 4 “Child” accounts under your “Myaccount” link.
Spam Filtering
Spam filtering is an exclusive and proven spam filtering system to remove unwanted email messages. Darien’s solution eliminates unsolicited spam from user’s inboxes and stores them in the Postini quarantine area. The spam filtering system is updated in real –time with new spam signatures and provides unparalleled flexibility through spam filter control settings.
Does the ISP provide Web accessible email access?
Yes, http://darientel.wpengine.com
Do you offer virus protection?
Yes, Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite
MySecurity Suite (1 PC) – $4.50 monthly
MySecurity Suite – Family (up to 3 PCs) – $5.00 monthly
How can I get Internet on multiple computers?
The ClearAccess routers we offer for cable, fiber and DSL have ports for wired ethernet connections and WiFi for wirelesss devices.
Does darientel.net provide personal web space?
Personal Web Site Settings
URL: http://users.darientel.net/~username
FTP Server: ftp.darientel.net
Ftp Username: username@darientel.net