1. Who can watch Darientel Local?
Any Darien Communications current Internet customer. Not a Customer? You can pay for a one time event or meeting or sign up for a monthly subscription at DarienTelLocal.com or in the app store.
2. I cannot access the app.
We need the email that you use daily. Call 912-437-4111 and give our customer service representative the email you use and we will update the system so you can access the app.
3. When can I see the live governmental meetings?
McIntosh County Commission ……………………………………… Every 2nd Tuesday at 5:00 PM
City of Darien, City Council ………………………………………………Every 3rd Tuesday at 5:30 PM
McIntosh Industrial Development Authority…………….. Every 3rd Thursday at 9:30 AM
McIntosh Board of Education Work Session………………….Every 1st Monday at 6:00 PM
4. How do I get the app?
Go to the app store or on any smart TV. Type in Darientel Local. Look for the app and download.